Pair of Blue Tourmalines Are AGTA Spectrum’s ‘Best of Show’ (轉錄自National Jeweler)

paraiba tourmaline

This pair of neon blue tourmalines, weighing 53.56 total carats, from Mikola Kukharuk of Nomad's won both "Best in Show" as well as first place in the Pairs & Suites category of the Cutting Edge competition.(一對總重53.56克拉的成對霓虹藍Paraiba電氣石)成了今年 AGTA大展的焦點。

August 9, 2017 New York--A pair of blue tourmalines were deemed tops at the American Gem Trade Association's Spectrum awards this past weekend.

The two neon blue tourmalines, weighing 53.56 total carats, from Mikola Kukharuk of Nomad's were named "Best of Show."

This is the third time in a row a Cutting Edge entry received that honor in the competition.

Last year, it was a suite of round brilliant Russian demantoid garnets weighing a total of 24.67 carats from Ruben Bindra of B&B Fine Gems.

The year before that it was a suite of Paraiba tourmaline from Allen Kleiman carved in a nautilus shell shape.

Judging for the 2017 event took place in New York on Saturday and Sunday. The panel of judges featured Arun Bohra of Arunashi, Cathy Calhoun of Calhoun Jewelers, Sherris Cottier Shank of Gemscapes, Alishan Halebian of Alishan and Holly Wesche of Wesche Jewelers.

The awards will be presented during the 2018 AGTA GemFair Tucson, slated for Jan. 30 to Feb. 4 at the Tucson Convention Center.

Winning entries will be displayed during the show, and the award recipients will be recognized during the 2017 AGTA Spectrum Awards Gala on Saturday, Feb. 3.

"The entire staff was immediately impressed as the entries started coming in; it seemed that the quality and artistry of the pieces has ascended to a new level. The number of entries increased and clearly the caliber of entries was exceptional," AGTA CEO Doug Hucker said.

Winners of the 2017 AGTA Spectrum Awards are as follows.

"Best of" Category
Best of Show: Mikola Kukharuk, Nomad's
Best Use of Color: Naomi Sarna, Naomi Sarna Designs
Best Use of Pearls: Naomi Sarna, Naomi Sarna Designs
Best Use of Platinum and Color: Eddie Sakamoto, Somewhere In The Rainbow
Fashion Forward: Ardeshir Dabestani, Asha Gallery Ltd.

Bridal Wear
First Place: Ricardo Basta, E. Eichberg, Inc.
Second Place (and WJA Gem Diva Award): Lindsay Jane, Lindsay Jane Designs
Third Place: Judy Evans, Oliver & Espig Gallery of Fine Arts
Honorable Mention: Zoltan David, Somewhere In The Rainbow
Manufacturing Honors: Randy Coffin, Coffin & Trout Fine Jewellers
Entry Platinum Innovation: Leon Mege, Leon Mege Inc.
Platinum Honors: Craig Slavens, Studio 247 Fine Jewelry

 AGTA Spectrum Awards™是由美國寶石貿易協會(American Gem Trade Association)每年舉辦的的天然彩色寶石鑽石珍珠珠寶設計比賽。





Fwd: 寶石中的貴族蓮花剛玉

