
目前顯示的是 9月, 2018的文章

寶啾寶石報報: 5-Carat ‘Ai’ Blue Diamond to Sell for $12-15M

    寶啾寶石 報報: 5-Carat 'Ai' Blue Diamond to Sell for $12-15M   寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。     The 5-carat "Ai" fancy vivid blue diamond is the highlight of Sotheby's Oct. 3 jewelry auction in Hong Kong.    September 19, 2018 Hong Kong—A 5-carat fancy vivid blue diamond ring will be the highlight of Sotheby's upcoming jewelry auction in Hong Kong. Named the "Ai" diamond after the Chinese word for love, the stone is expected to sell for between $12.5 and $15.3 million when it hits the block next month. It is the leading lot in Sotheby's Hong Kong Magnificent Jewels and Jadeite jewelry sale, slated for Oct. 3 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. In addition to the Ai diamond, the jewelry auction will feature a pair of earrings with old European brilliant-cut fancy vivid yellow diamonds weighing 51.17 carats total—&qu

寶啾寶石報報: SSEF訊息分享─翡翠篇

寶啾寶石 報報: SSEF訊息分享─翡翠篇 寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。   SSEF 日前分析了一個特殊的 翡翠 手鐲(見圖2)和一系列十二枚令人印象深刻高度匹配的鮮豔綠色(帝王綠Imperial green)且高透光度(圖1)的凸圓面寶石。除了這些高品質的物件外,還分析了一些注入樹脂和染色的翡翠玉石,包括破碎後以膠黏合的手鐲(圖2右側),鑑定結果對我們的客戶來說感到相當詫異。    正如寶石學家所熟知的, 珠寶 使用的翡翠硬玉不屬於單晶寶石,而實際上是一種岩石種類,主要由微小交鎖狀的鈉鋁矽酸鹽晶體jadeite所組成。許多情況下,這些岩石的礦物組成不均勻,但可能含有輝石類的其他成員(特別是鈉鋁矽酸鹽 (以下稱-硬玉)Jadeite─綠輝石omphacite─鈉鉻輝石Kosmochlor的固溶體)甚至還包含更多的礦物,從而構成在分析和正確命名法應用上的一些問題。    最近在客戶幾件小型雕件的寶石中發現了這種綜合性的案例,該物件在視覺上很像綠色翡翠硬玉(圖3)。    使用分析化學元素的方法外,主要以多次顯微拉曼光譜分析來看這些樣本含有不同含量的硬玉和 綠輝石 。圓板狀樣本以硬玉為主要組成,而三角板狀樣本實際上由富含鈣-鎂的輝石類-綠輝石以及和介於硬玉至透輝石Jadeite-Diopside固溶體的居中成分所組成(圖4)。因此,這個三角形樣本的正確名稱是綠輝石玉Ompacite-Jade而不是 鈉鋁矽酸鹽 質的翡翠硬玉Jadeite Jade。儘管這種區分看起來相當複雜並且是一項嚴正的科學決策。而必須進一步說明的是,綠輝石明顯比硬玉豐富,在自然界中可以找到相當大量的礦藏。    根據CIBJO定義,我們認為這是貿易間的重要信息,儘管硬玉和綠輝石可能看起來非常相似,並在市場上皆以「玉─Jade」的詞綴一起使用;2016年香港寶石學協會(GAHK)與香港檢測認證委員會(HKCTC)共同製定和發布的命名後,傳統的術語「 翡翠Fei Cui 」可用於硬玉和綠輝石佔主要成份的岩石(見 www.gahk.org/journal/2017/a07.pdf )。如上所述,硬玉或像硬玉的岩石,暱稱為「朋友」,對於寶石學

寶啾寶石報報:GIA, Chow Tai Fook Unveil Digital Grading Report GIA周大福啟用電子證書

寶啾寶石報報:GIA, Chow Tai Fook Unveil Digital Grading Report  寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。         Hong Kong's largest jeweler has launched a blockchain-powered app that provides consumers with a 4Cs digital grading report, along with data tracking the diamond's journey from mine to market. Chow Tai Fook partnered with the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) to develop the platform for its T Mark brand, claiming the technology will revolutionize the way the industry engages with customers. "Consumers live on their mobile devices, so we need to use similar platforms to improve their buying experience and ensure trust and confidence," Kent Wong, managing director of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group, explained in an interview with Rapaport News following the launch last week. The jeweler, which has more than 2,600 points of sale across Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, is testing

寶啾寶石報報 :Lorraine Schwartz’s Emmy Bracelet

寶啾寶石 報報 : Lorraine  Schwartz's Emmy Bracelet  寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。 On the red carpet, bracelets and rings are too often overshadowed by statement earrings or elaborate collars and necklaces, and that's a shame, because pieces like this Lorraine Schwartz bangle warrant a long second look.  As entranced as we were with actress Ellie Kemper's  lavender jade, amethyst, coral and diamond earrings , also by Schwartz, we initially missed this show-stopping accoutrement.  The 18-karat rose  gold  "Caviar" bangle features luscious coral cabochons amid a sea of rose-cut white diamonds.  The bangle, Kemper's earrings and the yellow gold, coral and diamond ring she donned at the 2018  Emmy Awards  are all available at  Lorraine Schwartz , price upon request.

寶啾寶石報報:De Beers Rolls Out XL Version of Lab-Grown Screening Device

寶啾寶石 報報:De Beers Rolls Out XL Version of Lab-Grown Screening Device 寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vqw8994l   The International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research's new SynthDetect XL , a lab-grown diamond screening device that allows for more jewelry to be tested simultaneously     September 18, 2018 London—The International Institute of Diamond Grading & Research has introduced SynthDetect XL, an advanced version of the SynthDetect screening device. IIDGR , which is the De Beers Group's lab, i ntroduced the SynthDetect machine last year , calling it the first screening device for man-made diamonds that can test multiple stones in set jewelry at once. It uses IIDGR's patented luminescence technology to screen diamonds of all sizes in rings, earrings, bangles, brooches and necklaces.   Now, IIDGR unveiled a new version of the

寶啾寶石報報:哈孝遠登記結婚!送6位數婚戒 喊話嬌妻生3寶

寶啾寶石 報報:哈孝遠登記結婚!送6位數 婚戒 喊話嬌妻生3寶 寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也 可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vqw8994l       哈孝遠 正拍攝醫療喜劇《實習醫師鬥格》,飾演宅男實習醫師「吳福榮」,劇中跟女友感情不順利,沒想到今(10)日跟交往一年多的女友瑄瑄登記結婚。問及是不是「衝動 結婚 」?哈孝遠則否認,表示是因為年紀到了,跟女友感情也非常穩定,因此決定走入人生下一個階段。 哈 孝遠透露,其實很早就想女友登記 結婚 ,但礙於要避開農曆七月,所以等到今日才登記 結婚 。談及婚禮,哈孝遠則說婚禮要好好籌備,預計明年宴客,屆時會提前宣 布喜訊,並謝謝外界祝福。哈孝遠也透露,雖然目前與嬌妻在外租屋,但未來會一起努力 存錢 買房,預計生三個小孩,哈孝遠笑說:「可以打鬥牛,剛剛好。」

寶啾寶石報報: 11ct. Purple to Lead Alrosa Hong Kong Sale

  寶啾寶石 報報: 11ct. Purple to Lead Alrosa Hong Kong Sale 寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也 可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vqw8994l         An 11-carat diamond will feature in Alrosa's inaugural auction of colored polished diamonds at the upcoming Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair . The cushion-cut, fancy-deep-purple-pink stone (pictured) — which will lead the sale — is the largest diamond of its color the GIA has graded, Alrosa said Tuesday. The miner will present 250 polished diamonds of various shapes and colors at the auction, which it has named "True Colour." They will include a vivid-orangey-yellow diamond weighing more than 15 carats, and a cushion-shaped, 11-carat, fancy-vivid yellow. The Hong Kong show runs from September 12 to 16. "It took more than a year to prepare the collection," said Alrosa CEO Yury Okoemov. "It is a masterpiece of diamond production created by sk