
目前顯示的是 6月, 2018的文章

寶啾寶石報報:戴比爾斯要賣人造鑽石 一克拉800美元

寶啾寶石 報報:戴比爾斯要賣人造鑽石 一克拉800美元 寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vqw8994l 鑽石 商戴比爾斯( De Beers )今年將開始在美國銷售實驗室合成的 人造鑽石 ,為戴比爾斯創立130年來首見,售價約一克拉800美元,僅天然鑽十分之一,希望吸引千禧世代。

寶啾寶石報報:Thieves Snatch 20-Carat Diamond at Vegas Show

寶啾寶石 報報:Thieves Snatch 20-Carat Diamond at  Vegas  Show  寶啾 寶石坊 也有 裸鑽 及 有色寶石 的銷售服務,也可以代客設計加工,歡迎來詢問, 寶啾寶石坊 提供最好的服務及最佳的價位。 Baochu寶啾寶石坊有LINE@了,請透過下方連結將我們加好友。 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vqw8994l Las Vegas--Two men working in tandem stole a 20-carat diamond from an exhibitor's booth in Las Vegas, the Jewelers Security Alliance said in an alert issued Thursday afternoon.  It is the biggest jewelry theft at a trade show so far this year, and one of the largest in recent years. The incident began just before 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 2 at the booth of an "international diamond exhibitor" at one of the jewelry trade shows. (The JSA does not disclose the victim's name or the name of the trade show in cases such as this.)  The two suspects, pictured below, approached the booth and were able to reach over the showcase and slide it open while employees weren't looking because it was not locked. https://www.facebook.com/baochuchuyang/ They then placed a catalog on the showcase—pl